Because of Ezra...

I've shed tears for someone else other than myself.

I have seen my family come together in support of others, and my wife has been moved in a way I have never seen and I was able to teach my son about how to pray for someone in need.

I no longer give up. I now fight for what I believe.

I am changing who I was. I want to help other children and spend more time with my family. He helped me see things (life) clearer and deepened my faith in God.

I have learned to love more, laugh harder, and give selflessly.

Our faith is stronger.

I pay more attention to the pain that others are feeling.

I have been reminded that I am blessed each day for having one more day to spend with my daughter.

My heart re-filled with love and emotion, after a long road of hurt and bitterness. His courage and strength inspires me to be a better person and mommy.

I learned I could love someone I have never met.

I have been inspired to live bigger, laugh harder, and hug my babies every day.

I am pursuing pediatrics in nursing. I want to be one of those nurses that makes terribly difficult days a little better for parents like you.

I am not the same person I once was. I realize there are no certainties in life. I have to make a difference in the world.

I will laugh more! I will cry more! I will love more!

My family is closer to each other, and closer to God.

My life will not be the same. The way I love, live, and work has changed.

I have learned to appreciate the time I have with my family. I have learned that God really is close to the broken-hearted and those who are crushed in spirit.

I am a better father.

I prayed for a year straight! I loved and cherished my children more.

I know the joy of life's simple gifts.

I will live my life more fully.

I have become a better person.

I will always be reminded of the fragility of life.

I have learned to love more, and fight harder, and will live my life daily this way.

I've become a better nurse. He has shown me the true joy of life. I will always fight and advocate for childhood cancer.

I will never, ever waste an opportunity to hug, squeeze, and kiss my boys - no matter how old they get.

I will be more willing to help others.

I have been reminded what truly matters in life is to love people unconditionally, always. And to cherish the loved ones around you.

I am a stronger person.

I recognized the prayer warrior in my 33 year old daughter.

I am a better mom, wife, and daughter.

I have seen a side of my son that every mother truly desires to see and experience - compassion.

Life is much more precious. I hold my kids tighter and realize what a gift each day is.

We have seen that there is strength, hope, and joy in the middle or pain, heartache, and loss.

I care more about others.

We have seen and heard the strength and peace of God shared in a vulnerable way. His mommy and daddy allowed us to fall in love with him and them.

I will treasure every moment, show love to all, never give up fighting, let God's love and joy shine through to as many people as possible.

I have come to appreciate and love my friends and family even more.

My eyes have been opened to how fragile life can be and how short our time is here. His story has inspired me to pay closer attention to my family and to be a better husband, father, brother, and son.

The world is a better place.

I learned a lot about courage and strength.

I realized even more before that every moment counts.

I am changed.

I want to donate money to kids with cancer.

My belief that people are good has grown.

We have learned to love at all times, to treasure every moment we have been given, to live life with joy.

I've learned how to endure.

I have learned to care and give to others.

I love more. I'm more compassionate and more patient with my family and friends.

I have learned to live outside myself. To love stronger and appreciate everything.

I will never view neuroblastoma the same and I will have a very small understanding of the heartache each child's family suffers.

My faith grew to volumes that are hard to put into words.

I will remember what true strength and faith is.

I know that a full life can be lived in two years.

I understand patience and love better.

I appreciate the mundane simple things that bring us joy in this life.

I will pursue my career in neonatology.

I have learned to love deeper and live better.

November 8th, 2010, we lost our first son, Ezra, to neuroblastoma childhood cancer. He was two years old. At his funeral, we put notecards out and asked people to finish this sentence: Because of Ezra... These are some of the things they wrote.